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THE ArchangeL

Urban Fantasy Thriller Series

  • Bronze Medalist, IPPY Book Awards for best Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror eBook, 2023
  • Finalist ERIC HOFFER Book Awards 2023
  • Finalist National Indie Excellence Awards 2023
  • #1 Amazon Bestseller

Order The Book of Sathanas Today

Book TWO of the Archangel series

Archangel: The Prelude

The prequel novella in the award-winning urban fantasy thriller series Archangel

Archangel’s Echo

Archangel’s Echo is a prequel novel in the Michael Lieberman urban fantasy thriller series.

"An engaging otherworldly thriller with an upstanding hero."



Who is Black Mike?

Poet - Writer - Artist

No one knows. Not even his—or her—publisher. He/she could be a stranger across the world, or the person next door. If you’d like to find out, look for clues in the books. But we warn you—this is not an easy case. Are you up for a real challenge? Do you have what it takes to best Michael and Sara at detective work? We’ll see!
Black Mike is a reclusive poet, writer, artist and award-winning screenwriter. He lives mostly on the dark side of the moon but feels at home anywhere in the world. He enjoys reading, writing and traveling. When not crafting stories, he tries to pack meaning into one-line drawings and writings—for posterity.

If you can't find meaning, you find addictions.

- Black Mike

Other Books


Finding sense in a world of nonsense

For the first time in human history, suicide numbers are double that of homicides. At a time when self-love is a movement, we are more likely to kill ourselves than be killed by someone else. What are we doing wrong?

Black Mike argues that we are disconnected from one another. We’ve become disillusioned by our own self-righteousness and enamored with our own image. Social media distracts us from dialogue and understanding, instead luring us toward superficial labels and destructive extremes. We no longer care about each other. In fact, we no longer care—period. Zero fucks given.

With his brutally honest one-liners and compelling line drawings, the reclusive writer-artist invites us to patiently and bravely walk the line between extremes. His book shows us how to reach the fragile balance that provides a more meaningful and rewarding life.

Experience this book as a fresh perspective rooted in time-tested values. Learn how to walk the line, appreciating that everything—life and death, love and hate, truth and falsehood, cognitive bias and critical thinking, science and religion, good and bad—is necessary for a rich and full life.

Read this book in a day or a year—find meaning for the rest of your life!

The book features 301 meditations offering insight to a better and more fulfilling life, such as:

  • Self-love is not love, but a means to finding true love.
  • We should love ourselves so much that we are not afraid to love someone else even more. 
  • Life is a great adventure—better when shared.
  • Life is not toxic—only our thoughts are. The world is a beautiful place when left alone.
  • We are more affected by our perception of things than the things themselves.
  • How successful are we when nothing is ever enough? How successful are we if destroy our present with illusions of a future we don’t even understand?   
  • Happiness should not be a product, an addiction, or a temporary pleasure sensation.
  • We are only as free as our attachments allow us to be.

We live in a time of accelerating change, a time when words and values are relative and therefore meaningless. This book aims to help us redefine everything important, thus bringing balance and purpose to our everyday lives.


"The novel is full of wry banter, great one-liners, interesting secondary characters—Michael's sister Hannah is a violent, sarcastic delight—and stakes that keep twisting and climbing until the explosive third act."

—Jessica Thomas for IndieReader

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Poet - writer - artist